Hyderabad: The Bigg Boss 13 famed actor Shehnaaz Gill recently made her Bollywood debut in Salman Khan's Eid release Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. On Friday, Shehnaaz walked the runway for a fashion show and once again it was the way she treated her fans there that won their hearts. A fan, who had been waiting for a long time to take a picture with the actor finally got the chance when Shehnaaz asked one of her security guards to take the picture even though they were trying to get her out of the event.
In the video, which is now doing rounds on social media, Shehnaaz could be seen surrounded by her fans. A young man came near to her for a selfie as she walked out of the venue, however, he was unable to do so. Shehnaaz then requested her security to take a picture with her fan although they were rushing to take her out, and then patiently waited till the picture was taken. This demeanour of hers left her fan with a smile on his face.