Mumbai:Singer-actor Shehnaaz Gill brought her fans to tears after singing a Bollywood track with absolute perfection, encouraging everyone to do the same without the fear of judgement. "Dil ki baat" captioned Shehnaaz on Instagram, adding a little heart. In the 58-second video clip, the Big Boss winner urged her fans that if they felt like singing in this monsoon weather, then they should sing their heart out. Because, according to Shehnaaz, "Who will judge you?"
"If you feel like singing in the rains, then you must. It doesn't matter how much you of the lyrics you know, you should enjoy it. That is what matters," said Shehnaaz before she started singing one of the most soulful tracks of the film 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story', 'Kaun Tujhe'.
The monochrome video showed Shehnaaz singing the lyrics of 'Kaun Tujhe', with her amazing vocal skills. She seemed to be sitting on the floor, wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts while keeping her curly hair open. However, it was her gestures that gave the video a serene outcome. Shenaaz enacted some words in the lyrics with her hands and cute expressions. At one point, when she sang, "Kaun tujhe yun pyaar karega jaise mei karti huun' Shehnaaz pointed her finger towards the sky, looking up. After completing her singing, she gives virtual kisses on screen to her fans.