Hyderabad: Actor Shehnaaz Gill, who made her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan earlier this year, has now joined hands with director Karan Boolani for the film Thank You For Coming. While Shenaaz was busy promoting her recently released adult comedy flick, she got ill and was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai. Rhea Kapoor, the producer of Thank You For Coming, was spotted stopping over to see how Shehnaaz was doing.
Shehnaaz, alongside her co-stars Bhumi Pednekar, Dolly Singh, Kusha Kapila, and Shibani Bedi, has been busy with the promotional events of Thank You For Coming, which hit the big screens on October 6. While Shehnaaz was out and about with her girl gang, she reportedly ate something that made her sick. She needed to be admitted to a Mumbai hospital due to the severity of the infection.
Now, in a video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, film producer Rhea Kapoor could be seen paying a visit to check up on Shehnaaz.
The video shows Rhea exiting the hospital in her luxury car after checking up on Shehnaaz.