Hyderabad: Actor Shehnaaz Gill wins the hearts of netizens every time she posts pictures and videos on social media. On the evening of Tuesday, the actor took to her social media handle and shared a poster of the song Sunrise from the G THING album by Guru Randhawa. The audio of the Sunrise song has already gained over one million views on YouTube.
Sharing the poster on her Instagram handle, the Thank You For Coming actor wrote in the caption, "This is just not a Song, it’s a beautiful feeling that we cherish together. Thank you to one and all, for loving us together… after moonrise, there’s always a Sunrise! #Sunrise. @gururandhawa full video out on 8th jan 2024 …happy new year." The poster features Shehnaaz Gill and Guru Randhawa lying close to one another on a wave cotton charpai."
As soon as she shared the post, fans flocked to the comment section and filled it with compliments. A fan commented, "Both are together soo much cute." Another commented, "To #Gurnaaz, may your days be sprinkled with love, your nights be filled with warmth, and your hearts forever connected. Here's to a lifetime of shared adventures and cherished memories!" A netizen wrote, "So excited to see 2024 to start with #ShehnaazGill."
Moving on to her professional endeavours, Shehnaaz is all set for the Punjabi film Ranna Ch Dhanna in collaboration with Diljit Dosanjh. This will be their second movie together. Additionally, she has an upcoming project with filmmaker Nikhil Advani.
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- WATCH: Shehnaaz Gill kisses Guru Randhawa as he carries her on his shoulders, latter thanks fans for showering love on Sunrise
- Shehnaaz Gill is cuteness-overloaded as Guru Randhawa ties pagdi on her head, duo vibes together on Sunrise song