Hyderabad: Actor-singer Shehnaaz Gill, who has always been private about her relationships, recently opened up about her experience of love. She revealed that she has been in love before but also said she is not interested in discussing the feeling right now. She now believes that nobody in life is trustworthy and that everyone has a selfish agenda.
Opening up about her experience in life, Shehnaaz in a recent interview said, "I don't trust anyone in life. Nobody is trustworthy. Everybody is selfish. One can be attached to another, but at some point, they will forget the other person." When asked about her romantic relationships, she shared, "I have been in love only once," but then cut the conversation off by saying, "Pyaar ki baatein mat karo yaar, pyaar vyaar kya hi hai.. (Don't talk about love. What is love even?)."
When she was asked whether she has ever been betrayed in love, she said that she has never betrayed anyone but everybody has betrayed her. However, she also shared that she has always turned to spirituality for comfort whenever she has been hurt in love. She said she learned about equality in love only after she moved to Mumbai, because in small villages people have a "reserved" attitude towards women. Shehnaaz acknowledged that she has had a better life in Mumbai.