Hyderabad: Tamil actor-music composer Vijay Antony, who lost his 16-year-old daughter earlier this week, has shared a heartwrenching statement on social media. Mourning the demise of his daughter Meera, the actor said that she has 'gone to a better and peaceful place' but he has 'died along with her.'
On Thursday, Vijay shared the first post since Meera's passing. The pain of a bereaved father is apparent in the statement statement in Tamil which loosely translates as, "All you kind-hearted people, my daughter Meera is very loving and brave. She has now gone to a better and peaceful place devoid of caste, religion, money, envy, pain, poverty, and vengeance. She is still conversing with me."
Concluding his post, which he shared after a day of Meera's cremation, Antony wrote, "I have died along with her. I have started spending time with her now. Whatever good deeds that I will be doing henceforth on behalf of her, will be initiated by her."
Vijay Antony’s daughter was reportedly found dead in her room at around 3 a.m. on September 19. Meera, who was a Class 12 student is said to be a bright student who was reportedly the cultural secretary head private school in Chennai. She was reportedly under pressure and was being treated for the same. She was taken to a private hospital after being found hanging at her Chennai residence. Upon examination by the doctors, she was declared dead.
READ |Vijay Antony's 16YO daughter dies by suicide in Chennai