Hyderabad: Aspiring actor Shanaya Kapoor on Saturday took to social media to share a series of pictures from her Maldives holiday. The actor treated her followers on Instagram with glimpses of the picturesque island retreat where she is unwinding for the past few days. Shanaya, who is the daughter of actor Sanjay Kapoor and jewellery designer Maheep Kapoor is seemingly having a gala time in holiday paradise.
Shanaya Kapoor strolling along the beach Shanaya has been sharing pictures and videos from her Maldives vacation on social media. The 23-year-old, who will be having a dream launch by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, is enjoying life to the fullest if her latest Instagram Stories are anything to go by. From wishing her followers "Good morning" to chilling by the pool to enjoying cycling on the island, Shanaya is making memories while on Maldivian holiday.
Talking about her debut film, Ms. Kapoor will make a splash in films with Shashank Khaitan helmed Bedhadak. The film will also mark the big-screen debut of Gurfateh Pirzada and Lakshya Lalwani. The upcoming film is billed as a love triangle in the rom-com space. The makers announced Bedhadak a year ago while the release date of the film is yet to be locked.
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Before acting, Shanaya assisted director Sharan Sharma in her cousin Janhvi Kapoor's film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. Though she comes from an illustrious filmy family, the debutant actor wanted to understand the process of filmmaking before she faces the camera for her maiden film. Shanaya is said to have signed other projects after Bedhadak but the actor is yet to announce it officially.