Hyderabad: Aspiring actor Shanaya Kapoor on Sunday shared a video on her Instagram page. In the video, she is seen performing belly dance with her trainer. The actor did impress her followers on social media with her dance moves but her choice of song has seemingly upset a section of social media.
Taking to Instagram, Shanaya dropped a video wherein she is seen dancing with Sanjana Muthreja who is a celebrity belly dancing trainer. Sharing the video which she had deleted now, Shanaya wrote, "was a bit nervous to post this, but it’s been a minute, and I practiced this a lot so wanted to show u guys!😋🤍✌️😁."
Soon after she shared the video, her followers swarmed the comment section with red heart and fire emojis with a few "Superb" and "Excellent" in between. Meanwhile, a few Instagram also criticized her for performing belly dancing on a hymn like Aigiri Nandini. A social media user even asked Shanaya, "You did not find any other song??"