Hyderabad (Telangana):After for years of Sanju, Ranbir Kapoor is all set to return to the silver screen with Shamshera. Going by the trailer, Ranbir looks fiery in this intriguing tale of the dacoits. Shamshera trailer hints at Ranbir repeating the success of his last outing with his impeccable performance in the period drama.
This is the story of a man who became a slave, a slave who became a leader and then a legend for his tribe. He relentlessly fights for his tribe's freedom and dignity. His name is Shamshera.
Based on the pre-independence era, Shamshera portrays the story of dacoits led by Ranbir, whose only motive is to fight against the cruelty of a ruthless authoritarian general Shudh Singh, played by Sanjay Dutt for the sake of the villagers. The story of Shamshera is set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved and tortured by Dutt.