Hyderabad: In a recent interview, Mahira Khan spoke about her mental health struggles and how a physician diagnosed her with manic depression. The Pakistani actor said she learned to face her mental health difficulties after breaking into Bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan's Raees and the 2017 incident in which photographs of her smoking with actor Ranbir Kapoor surfaced online. The actress stated that she suffers from bipolar disorder, which was triggered after Pakistani actors were barred from acting in India following the 2016 Uri attack.
Discussing the 2016 Uri attack, which resulted in a ban on Pakistani actors working in Bollywood, she said: "I had finished the film (Raees) and everything was going fine, and then this attack (Uri attack) happened. Everything gets twisted up politically. It is always political in India. But the fact that it could grow this complicated! I wasn't terrified, but I did feel threatened. Constant tweets and terrifying phone calls. The only thing I wanted was to say, "OK, fine, I can't go to India to promote it (Raees), but I hope it comes out in my country because I know people will rush to see it because he (Shah Rukh Khan) is so popular here (in Pakistan)."