Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan unveiled a nearly three-minute-long video on Thursday in which he appears in a never-seen-before avatar, finally putting an end to the long wait for the Jawan trailer. The trailer was launched at the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai by King Khan after the film's grand audio launch in Chennai.
During the event, the superstar grooved to the beats of his song Zinda Banda. He also unveiled the Arabic version of the song Chaleya at the grand event. After his blistering performance, SRK interacted with his fans and struck his iconic pose. The actor said that Jawan has every possible element that anyone could wish for.
No more bald looks-The 57-year-old actor also mentioned that he would be appearing in the movie in more than six or seven different looks, and he went on to say that this was the first and final time he would be playing a bald character. He asked his fans to watch the film for his bald avatar.