Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan revealed a reason why to watch 'Pathaan' during an interaction with his fans on social media. On Saturday, SRK conducted the #AskSRK session, during which a fan asked him about related to his upcoming thriller drama 'Pathaan'. One of the users, wrote, "Why should one go to watch Pathan movie?" to which SRK replied, "I guess maza aayega is liye...#Pathan."
During the 15 minutes, #AskSRK session the 'Don' actor answered several questions about his career, his family and the FIFA world cup. SRK's charismatic personality radiates in the massive fan following. The superstar has given the audience memorable films like 'Baazigar', 'Kabhi Haan Kabhi Na', 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge', 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', 'Kal Ho Naa Ho', 'Veer Zara', and many more.