Mumbai: After the Naseeb Se song, the makers of the romantic drama Satyaprem Ki Katha starring Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani, unveiled the new track Aaj Ke Baad on Saturday. Taking to Instagram, Kartik treated his fans with a song video titled Aaj Ke Baad. Sharing the video, he wrote "Aaj ke baad.. Tu meri rehna. Soul of SatyaPrem ki Katha. Aaj se mera fav aapka #AajKeBaad."
The mesmerizing visuals and melody of the song are absolutely captivating. The wedding song beautifully showcased the glimpses from the movie where the actors can be seen getting married. While Kartik can be seen enjoying marriage rituals, Kiara is lost in her thoughts in the video. Kiara Advani also shared the song on her Instagram handle. She captioned the post, "Aankhe nam hain, Khushiyaan bhi sang hain. #AajKeBaad. Song Out Now"
As soon as the song was posted, the actor's fans and industry friends flooded the comment section. A fan wrote, "Soo soothing." One of the users wrote, "Heart-wrenching. Waiting to watch the movie." The first song Naseeb Se from the movie was released on May 27. Kartik took to Instagram and captioned the song as "Adhoora tha main.. Ab Poora Hua. Jabse tu Mera Ho gaya. #NaseebSe."