Hyderabad:The mortal remains of late veteran actor Satish Kaushik, who died on Wednesday at the age of 66 after suffering a heart attack, will be brought to Mumbai today for final rites. The veteran actor's post-mortem examination was conducted in Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital and no foul play was suspected. According to reports, the actor, who played memorable characters such as 'Calendar' in 'Mr. India' and 'Pappu Pager' in 'Deewana Mastana,' among many others, died of a heart attack at around 1 a.m. in the national capital.
Satish's close friend and actor Anupam Kher was the first to share the news of his death on social media in the early hours of Thursday morning. The well-known Bollywood actor and director passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday night at the age of 66 and was last seen at a Holi party that Javed Akhtar and his wife, actress Shabana Azmi hosted at their Mumbai home. He celebrated the Holi event with his pals from the Hindi film industry. Taking to Instagram the late actor had posted a number of pictures with Industry friends from the Holi celebrations.