Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan and cricketer Shubman Gill were spotted together in Mumbai. The video of the two went viral after a fan posted it on TikTok. In the said video, Sara and Shubman are seen having some quality time together at a high-end restaurant.
In the viral TikTok video, Sara is seen having dinner with cricketer Shubman Gill. Shared by TikToker Uzma Merchant (@uxmiholics), the video features Sara and Shubman at Bastian. The duo is seen placing an order while a waiter is standing next to their table. For her apparent dinner date with Shubman, the actor was seen donning a pink outfit, while the cricketer wore a white and green shirt.
The fans are speculating about another couple from Bollywood and the cricket world. Gill was reportedly dating Sachin Tendulkar's daughter Sara Tendulkar. After being spotted with Ms. Pataudi, a fan said "Gill is obsessed with Sara," referring to how Shubman was earlier rumoured to be dating cricket legend Tendulkar's daughter Sara.
Getting creative with comments, another user wrote, "From Daughter of a cricketer (Sara Tendulkar) to granddaughter of a cricketer (Sara Ali Khan) #Shubmangill Came a long way."