Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan recently showcased her remarkable style at various public events in a series of dazzling outfits. Following her attendance at Manish Malhotra's Diwali party adorned in a beautiful lehenga, Sara shared a pre-transformation picture of herself, proudly showcasing her journey of losing belly fat within a span of two weeks. Although initially hesitant, the actor expressed her satisfaction with her achievement.
On Monday night, Sara took to her Instagram Story to share a collage of glamorous images from recent events, as well as one revealing her previous struggle with belly fat. Alongside the picture, she expressed, "Honestly felt very uncomfortable to upload this top image - but I'm really proud that I got it together in 2 weeks. Weight issues have always been a struggle for me, so really thank you @dr.siddhant.bhargava and @food.darzee for keeping me on track. Bye-bye holiday calories but most importantly peace out with the guilt. Fitness is a journey so just keep going."