Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan welcomed Lord Ganesha at his residence on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. On Wednesday night, actor Sara Ali Khan and designer Manish Malhotra visited the Satyaprem Ki Katha actor's place to offer prayers. Kartik and Sara, who are said to have dated in the past, came together for a picture with Manish Malhotra and Raveena Tandon's daughter Rasha Thadani.
The photos and videos went viral in no time, sending SarTik fans in a frenzy. The photos show Sara posing with Kartik, Manish, and Raveena Tandon's daughter Rasha Thadani. Sara looked stunning in a gorgeous pink suit. She donned a matching bangle and earrings and kept her hair tied in a ponytail. Kartik, on the other hand, was seen sporting a mustard-white printed kurta pajama.
As soon as the pictures surfaced online, the duo left their fans and followers wondering if they were back together once again. One of the users wrote, "Kartik Sara looking like a married couple." Another commented, "What is Sara doing there." One more wrote, "Sartik are looking like newlyweds." A comment read, "Sara kartik fir ek ho gye kya." A fan wrote, "I hope they get back together."