Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Sanjay Mishra's Hindi short film Giddh (The Scavenger) has won the Asia International Competition at the renowned Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023. The actor was also honoured with the 'Best Actor' award at the festival, with the Best Short Film win, officially qualifying Giddh to compete at the Oscars, making it a strong contender for the short film category.
A raw social commentary, Giddh acts as a mirror to society and impartially speaks about many of the harsh realities that most would turn away from. Striking a chord with global audiences, Giddh was earlier also selected as the finalist by the jury of the USA Film Festival 2023. Additionally, the short film was also one of the official selections in other esteemed international short film festivals, including the LA Shorts International Film Festival 2023 and the Carmarthen Bay International Film Festival 2023.
Speaking about the global reception of the film, Sanjay Mishra said, "I am deeply humbled and grateful for the overwhelming global reception that our film Giddh has received. It has been an unforgettable journey, and the experience of collaborating with such an incredible crew will forever stay with me."