Mumbai: Actor-producer Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi, the duo of the popular Munna Bhai film series, are set to reunite for an untitled film. The upcoming film will reunite the duo after more than a decade. They were last seen together in Indra Kumar's directorial Double Dhamaal which was released in 2011.
Dutt and Warsi, who famously essayed the roles of the affable don Munna Bhai and his henchman Circuit respectively in Rajkumar Hirani's Munna Bhai franchise, announced their new project on social media on Thursday. In the first look poster, Sanjay and Arshad could be seen inside a prison dressed up as prisoners.
Sharing the first look on Instagram from their untitled film, Dutt wrote, "Our wait has been longer than yours but the wait is finally over, coming together with my brother @arshad_warsi for yet another exciting movie... Can't wait to show you, stay tuned!"
Helmed by Sidhaant Sachdev, the yet-to-be-titled film is produced by Sanjay Dutt and will hit the big screens in 2023. Actor Arshad Warsi also shared the poster and captioned it, "Finally, it's happening! Teaming up with my bro @duttsanjay for another entertaining movie and our wait has been longer than yours ;)."