Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt who is to appear as an interesting character in the upcoming Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Shamshera says as an actor, he is submissive to the director, and his character Shuddh Singh is both funny and dangerous. The film has been directed by Karan Malhotra.
In a BTS video released by the makers, Sanjay Dutt is shown preparing for the character and declaring: "I am an actor and if I believe in a script or character, then I leave it to the director. His interpretation of Shuddh Singh, I can portray on the screen to the best of my abilities. Yes, I have my suggestions that I give and it enhances the character even more. Shuddh Singh is funny and dangerous. The audience should love him!"
Karan also shared how he was able to direct a veteran actor like Sanjay. He said: "I think what happens with me is, when I think of Sanjay sir to play a part in my film which I am doing, especially if it is a negative part, a good kind of madness grips me from inside. It's just that automatically I start getting ideas of how to present him in the most menacing and the most unnerving way possible."