Mumbai: Yashoda star Samantha Ruth Prabhu has joined the cast of Prime Video's Indian original series within the Citadel franchise alongside Varun Dhawan, the streaming platform confirmed Wednesday. Talking about being part of Citadel, Samantha said she is looking forward to working with Varun.
The show marks Prabhu's second outing with the streamer and showrunner duo Raj & DK, who directed her in the second season of their hit spy thriller series The Family Man. Aparna Purohit, head of India Originals, Prime Video, said the team is thrilled to be working with the actor once again.
Working on this project was a homecoming for the actor. For Samantha, the interconnected storylines in the productions across the globe and the script of the Indian installment really excited the actor in her. "I am thrilled to be a part of this brilliant universe conceptualised by the Russo Brothers' AGBO. I am also looking forward to working with Varun for the first time on this project. He is someone who is full of life and cheer when you're around him," said Samantha on being part of the Indian version of Citadel.