Hyderabad: One of the highest-paid South Indian actors Samantha Ruth Prabhu has said that despite having a broken relationship, she is not resentful of the situation. She stated that she still has a lot of love to give and that she is "very loving". Samantha and Naga Chaitanya made their separation public in 2021 and since then the actor has gone through a challenging phase emotionally and physically. Samantha, who is now promoting her movie Shaakuntalam, said that she connected to her character who "went through the worst adversities but held herself with such dignity and grace."
The 35-year-old actor will now be seen in the lead role in Shaakuntalam, which is set to be released on April 14. Other actors in the pivotal roles include Dev Mohan, Mohan Babu, and Sachin Khedekar who will play Dushyanta, Durvasa Maharishi, and Kanva Maharishi respectively in the movie. Since the movie is about love, Samantha was asked about the same in a recent interview.