Hyderabad: Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has been on a break from work and was seen exploring different corners of the globe, is now back from her vacation and has bounced right into action. In the most recent update, Samantha effortlessly exuded style at a promotional event held in Hyderabad for the upcoming movie, The Marvels. During the promotional event, Samantha also revealed what stood out for her from The Marvels' promotional video.
Embracing an effortless yet chic look, the 36-year-old actor sported a casual black jacket that perfectly complemented her blue denim jeans and white crop top. Completing her ensemble with a pair of fashionable heels and trendy eyeglasses, Samantha posed for the cameras alongside the superheroes. During the event, Samantha was asked what stood out for her from The Marvels teaser, to which she replied, "Strong women."
Directed by Nia DaCosta, The Marvels boasts an ensemble cast including notable actors such as Brie Larson, Iman Vellani, Teyonah Parris, Zawe Ashton, and Samuel L. Jackson among others. The film follows the intertwined stories of three lead characters who find themselves switching places whenever they unleash their extraordinary abilities. Indian audiences can look forward to the release of the film on November 10.
Samantha's most recent on-screen venture was the romantic drama film, Kushi. Directed by Shiva Nirvana, the film also starred Vijay Deverakonda alongside a talented supporting cast including Sachin Khedkar, Jayaram, Saranya Ponvannan, Murali Sharma, and Rashmi.