Hyderabad: Samantha Ruth Prabhu's upcoming film Shaakuntalam will mark the acting debut of Allu Arjun's daughter Allu Arha is known. The trailer of Shaakuntalam gave a glimpse of Arha from the period drama. Adding to the curiosity around starkid's debut, Samantha recently shared a few interesting observations that she made while working with the 6-year-old princess of Allu Arjun and his wife Allu Sneha Reddy.
Samantha is busy promoting Shaakuntalam and during an interview, the actor spoke at length about Arha. In the interview, Samantha couldn't stop gushing about Arha who according to the actor is "absolutely brilliant." What makes Arha a future superstar is her confidence and lack of fear even on the sets of her debut film bustling with around 200 crew members, said Samantha.
According to Samantha, Arha is "born superstar" who doesn't need the name of her father to make a mark in the industry if she decides to venture into films in the future. Samantha said that on the second day of the shoot, Arha pulled off a 12-hour shift without any complaint and impressed everyone with her performance.