Hyderabad: Sam Bahadur, starring Vicky Kaushal and Sanya Malhotra in the lead, was released on Friday clashing with Ranbir Kapoor's Animal, and the film has slowly made its way into the hearts of the audience. It was released in fewer theatres than Animal, but it saw a significant increase on Saturday and Sunday. Vicky Kaushal's highly anticipated film Sam Bahadur has grown significantly on Sunday when compared to Friday numbers. The film has seen an increase in footfall at the theatres as a result of positive word of mouth, and it seems like it will continue to hold steady during the weekdays. The film earned double digits on Sunday.
- Sam Bahadur Box Office Collection Day 3:
Sam Bahadur earned Rs 10.30 crore nett on Sunday, giving the film a very healthy weekend total of around Rs 25 crore. The Saturday numbers increased by nearly 50% when compared to the first day. This is considered quite good given that Animal is simply roaring and how! However, the Monday figures will be crucial in determining the film's fate.
- Sam Bahadur Box Office Collection Day 4 (early estimates):
As the film enters its fourth day, early predictions indicate that Sam Bahadur will stutter. The advance booking data indicates a drop in collections, with a lull expected on day 4, Monday as per live reports from Industry tracker Sacnilk. Early estimates from Sacnilk put the day 4 box office collection at around Rs 0.08 crore (at the time of publication).
- Sam Bahadur worldwide collection: