Mumbai: On Friday, the 'Dhak-Dhak' diva took to her Instagram handle and shared a starry picture posing with her husband Dr Shriram Nene along with top B-town stars, including Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan and Salman Khan. Madhuri captioned the post and wrote, "So much to talk about, right?".
Salman wore a black t-shirt and a jacket over it and paired it with blue ripped denim while SRK, Madhuri and Shriram decided on an all-black attire. On the other hand, Gauri donned a shimmery golden dress.
The picture was instantly on top of the internet. A user commented, "All legends in one frame," while another wrote, "Hum Dil de chuke Sanam assemble." A third one wrote, "And this breaks the internet tonight!" Others were excited to see Salman and Shah Rukh in one frame. One wrote, "Salman and SRK," adding a red heart emoji and heart-eyes emoji.
Karan celebrated his 50th birthday at his Mumbai studio, YRF Studios. Several Bollywood stars attended the party, including Gauri Khan, Maheep Kapoor, and Farah Khan. A three-tier cake and a lavish dinner spread were arranged for the occasion, according to photos and videos from the party. (ANI)