Mumbai:Superstar Salman Khan on Monday unveiled the much-awaited trailer of his upcoming action entertainer film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. During the trailer launch event, Salman wowed his fans, as he showcased his washboard abs in front of the media shutting down all the social media trolls. Several videos from the event are currently getting viral in which the Dabangg actor could be seen unbuttoning his black shirt and showing off his abs to the screaming audience.
Previously, Salman faced a lot of backlash on social media as few users had commented that the 57-year-old actor's toned physique was a result of visual effects (VFX) and not the gym. In the video, the Kick actor told the audience, "Tumhare ko lagta hai VFX se hota hain (You think this is done through VFX)" and also hinted that his body was achieved after working out only. Soon after the video went viral, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons.
"#SalmanKhan going shirtless live in front of everyone. Big slap on those people who think SK uses vfx in his movies," a user wrote. Another user commented, "No VFX Real 6 Pack Abs of MEGASTAR Salman Bhai. The OG Bodybuilding Icon of India." "Look At His Abs Man," a fan commented.