Mumbai:Bollywood actor Salman Khan, on Friday, shared a throwback emotional video of actor Akshay Kumar and wished him good luck. The throwback video has gone viral on social media after Salman shared it on his social media page.
Taking to Instagram, Salman shared the video on his stories which he captioned, "I just came across something that I thought that I must share with ev1. God bless you akki, truly amazing, felt so good seeing this. Keep fit, keep working n may god always be with you brother. @akshaykumar."
Talking about the video, in the clip, Akshay could be seen getting emotional after he heard an audio message from his sister Alka Bhatia. Addressing the Khiladi actor as 'Raju', she said in Punjabi, "I just remembered while chatting with someone that the festival of Rakhi is on August 11. You stood beside me at all times, good and bad. From being a father, and friend to a brother, you played all roles for me. Thank you for everything."