Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been linked to his rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur for the longest time as they are often spotted by each other's side. On Friday, Iulia Vantur made her presence felt at the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) in Abu Dhabi. In a video from the event, Iulia can be seen performing a number of hit songs from Salman Khan's movies. Decked up in a shimmery dress with her hair tied in a ponytail, Iulia sang and grooved to songs including Jumme Ki Raat from the 2014 release Kick, and Seeti Maar from the 2021 release Radhe, among others.
A video of Iulia's performance at IIFA Rocks is being widely shared by Salman's fans. Sharing Iulia's video from IIFA 2023 on Twitter, a fan wrote, "Are Baapre Bhabhi Performing on Jhume ki raat hai. U made my Day NJ. There is no one close to bhabhi in our current generation. And bhai to pehle se latu hai but idhar koi maanta nahi mere alawa."