Mumbai: Legendary Bollywood screenwriter Salim Khan, who has penned a string of cult classics in collaboration with Javed Akhtar, turned 87 on Thursday. Famously called as Salim-Javed, the duo has scripted many commercially and critically accepted films like 'Yaadon Ki Baaraat', 'Zanjeer', 'Deewaar', 'Trishul', 'Kaala Patthar', 'Dostana', 'Seeta Aur Geeta', 'Sholay', 'Mr India', 'Don', and many more.
Moreover, the duo gave the most legendary 'Angry Young Man' character- Vijay to the Indian cinema. The character was portrayed by megastar Amitabh Bachchan in films like 'Deewar', 'Agneepath', 'Zanjeer', among others. Let's take a look at the blockbuster films written by Salim Khan.
1. Sholay
The 1975 Indian action-adventure 'Sholay' was penned by Salim-Javed. Ramesh Sippy directorial film revolves around the village of Ramgarh, where retired police chief Thakur Baldev Singh (Sanjeev Kumar) plots to bring down the notorious bandit Gabbar Singh (Amjad Khan) and enlists the help of two lesser criminals, Jai (Amitabh Bachchan) and Veeru (Dharmendra). When Gabbar attacks the village, Jai and Veeru wonder why Thakur does nothing to help them. They soon learn that he has no arms and that Gabbar was the one who cut them off. Enraged by this, they redouble their efforts to help Thakur.
2. Don
A super hit action thriller 'Don' featuring Amitabh Bachchan in the lead. Amitabh Bachchan plays Bombay underworld Don and his lookalike simpleton Vijay in the movie. Many people admired Zeenat Aman's portrayal of Roma Bhagat. Aman's character exhibited feminism at a period when Indian female figures were little more than love interests.