Mumbai:An ecstatic Shahid Kapoor shared a screengrab of the top trending Amazon TV shows online on his official Instagram handle with his recently released series Farzi topping the chart on Monday, February 20, 2023. The ranking was based on overall online engagement. The series, which marks Shahid Kapoor's foray into digital space, was released online on Amazon on February 10, 2023.
Taking to Instagram, Shahid shared a picture of the trending shows, and wrote, "And then this happened. #farzi number 1 worldwide on @primevideo #micdrop. (sic)" His fans took to the comment section to express their excitement. With congratulatory messages pouring in, many fans demanded season 2 of the series.
Many celebrities congratulated the Farzi actor on the rave reviews the series was getting. Reacting to Shahid's post, Dil Bechara actress Sanjana Sanghi commented, "Well deserved & beyond" with a fire emoji. Likewise, Shahid's better half Meera Rajput also reacted to the post by commenting, "Congratulations. Farzi on. you deserve the world and more. (sic)"