Mumbai: Marking the 75th birthday of Subrata Roy, founder and chairman of Sahara India Pariwar, producers Sandeep Singh and Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studios), teamed up with The Kerala Story director Sudipto Sen and announced Saharasri, a biopic on the business magnate. Saharasri unfolds an engrossing tale of Roy's days as a relatively unknown entity rising to become a prominent, influential, and at times controversial businessman (the latter aspect being the subject of one of the episodes of the Netflix series Bad Boy Billionaires).
In the words of the press release issued by the makers, "Roy's life story reads like a Sidney Sheldon novel." The makers, however, have not yet revealed who plays the tycoon. Talking about the man behind the headlines, producer Sandeep Singh, who's also the maker of the upcoming Savarkar and Main Atal Hoon, said: "Regardless of what the world may think or say about Shri Subrata Roy, their perception is based solely on their lack of personal acquaintance with the man. Personally, I hold him in the highest regard."
Referring to the charges against his subject, Singh added: "He has remained steadfast like an unyielding rock and gracefully faced all the allegations, unlike other Indian business personalities. He is the only Indian who has returned a staggering amount of Rs 25,000 crore, including interest, to SEBI. I am sure justice will prevail soon."