Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan went down memory lane as he shared a throwback picture with his girlfriend Saba Azad from their trip to London. Hrithik posted the photo from their vacation to the UK during summer earlier this year on his Instagram. This is the first time he shared a picture of his girlfriend on his account and it has invited a troll fest for the couple.
Saba looked cute in a white dress and sneakers. Hrithik donned a red and white outfit. The actor captioned the image: "Girl on a bench. Summer 2022. London. The Van Gogh immersive experience." In the selfie clicked by Hrithik, Saba was seen sitting on a bench looking away from the camera. Hrithik was seen smiling as he looked at Saba. Hrithik posted the photo on the occasion of Karwa Chauth to which Saba commented: "Van Gogh on a lazy summer afternoon (smiling emoji) best day with the best egg (black heart emojis)."
Hrithik's first post dedicated to his ladylove has attracted a little negativity on social media which is not unusual. After Hrithik posted the said picture, a user asked Saba, "@sabazad are u a daughter of Hrithik?" while another said, "Who's she btw???" A social media user even tagged Hrithik's former wife Sussanne Khan and wrote, "Are you there ? @suzkr"