Mumbai: After its theatrical run, the aviation thriller film 'Runway 34' directed by Bollywood superstar Ajay Devgn is available for early access before digital subscription on Prime Video. Ajay Devgan also took it to his Instagram to inform his fans about the same. "We are ready to take off ✈️ Here's a never seen before peek into what the journey holds! Joining in? #EarlyAccessOnPrime, rent now," he wrote, sharing a short video from the movie.
Inspired by true incidents, the film follows the story of Captain Vikrant Khanna (played by Ajay Devgn), a flying prodigy, whose flight takes a mysterious course after take-off from an international destination. Cutting-edge visual treatment of the narrative, a crisp story and screenplay makes the movie an immersive watch.
The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Rakul Preet Singh, Boman Irani, Angira Dhar and Aakanksha Singh. Commenting on the development of early access on the OTT, Ajay Devgn said, "'Runway 34' has been my dream project and I am very excited to offer viewers early access to the movie through Movie Rentals on Amazon Prime Video. The intent with every movie that I make, is to take it to the widest audience possible."