Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur have been hitting the headlines for the last few days in connection with their alleged dating rumours. On Saturday night, they were spotted driving around Mumbai after spending their vacation in Europe. Now, based on a video shared by a fan page on social media, the actors were seen going out on a movie date the same night to watch the most recent Hollywood film Barbie.
Sharing the video on Instagram, the fan wrote in the caption, "Major fan girl moment during the Barbie movie with @adityaroykapur & @ananyapanday." In the clip, Aditya and Ananya can be seen watching the Greta Gerwig directorial Barbie. The fangirl managed to take selfies with both Aditya and Ananya as they were in the same cinema hall. Aditya was seen sporting a face mask and a white shirt that he paired with black trousers. Ananya, on the other hand, looked lovely in a casual pink outfit, which she wore to match the theme of Barbie.