Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi dating megastar Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda has been keeping the rumours mills abuzz for a long. While the rumoured couple is keeping their romance under the wraps, their latest social media feeds have only added fuel to dating rumours.
Last week, Siddharth announced that he is on a holiday in an Instagram post. The Gehraiyaan actor has been sharing pictures and videos from his holiday where he is seemingly accompanied by close friends and rumoured girlfriend Navya. On Tuesday, Siddhant shared a picture wherein he is seen sitting on a bench atop the hill. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "There’s a bench on a hilltop somewhere, Waiting for our old age conversations…#SiddyChats / 𝐒 / #MyNotes." Reacting to this, Navya dropped a sun face emoji.
Navya too has shared pictures from her apparent trip with Siddhant. On Wednesday, the young entrepreneur shared a set of two pictures on Instagram and going by what she has written in the caption, it seems that the pictures were clicked by none other than the Gully Boy star. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, "Photographed by 🌝💫🤍."