Hyderabad:Pictures and footage of South superstar NTR Jr departing for the US at Hyderabad Airport on Monday have gone viral online ahead of the Oscars. In the footage, the actor could be seen sporting a beige hoodie and black trousers. The actor can be seen shaking hands with fans and waving at others at the airport. The song "Naatu Naatu" from S. S. Rajamouli's "RRR," starring NTR Jr. and Ram Charan, is up for an Academy Award in the category of Best Original Score.
The Hollywood Critics Association 2023 presented Jr. NTR and Alia Bhatt with the "Spotlight Award" last week. According to Variety, "Naatu Naatu" will compete with "This Is A Life" from "Everything Everywhere All at Once," "Applause" from "Tell It Like a Woman," and "Lift Me Up" from "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" during the 95th annual presentation. Before entering the Oscars, the song received international acclaim. Naatu Naatu was nominated for a Golden Globe for "Best Original Song" in January. Five days later, at the 28th annual Critics' Choice Awards, 'RRR' won two more awards. Each category has one entry: best song and best foreign film.