Mumbai (Maharashtra): Filmmaker SS Rajamouli's period drama RRR has grossed Rs 1000 crore at the worldwide box office, the makers announced on Sunday. RRR, headlined by Ram Charan and N T Rama Rao Jr, opened in cinemas In Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi on March 25. The film's Hindi version alone has so far earned more than 220 crore.
Production house DVV Entertainment took to Twitter to celebrate the 1000 crore benchmark. "1000 crore is a dream run for a film from India. We made our best for you, and you in return showered us with your priceless love. Thank you Bheem @tarak9999 fans, Ramaraju @AlwaysRamCharan fans and audience across the world. #1000CroreRRR," the tweet read.