Mumbai: Bollywood actress Richa Chadha stunned everyone with her recent weight loss pictures that she shared on her social media. Following the buzz, she spoke about her journey of weight loss and how more than anything weight loss was a means to achieve healthy living for her. Taking to her Instagram, Richa had posted three images from her photoshoot as she wrote in the caption, "I love doing photo shoots where the photographer and I have a friendship, (like in this case), a worldview in common, love for music, art… while shooting this particular one I felt like I was playing a character. Distinct from the films I do… but interesting still… we did some very disturbia feel stills also which will post later."
Thanking her team behind the photoshoot, she added in the caption, "Thanks @ashishchawlaphotography @nehasinghmakeupofficial @bikanta PS - healthy weight loss means you don't lose muscle, like in my case the gluteus maximus is intact." Talking about the reason behind the weight loss, Richa said, "For me weight loss was never something about wanting to shed kilos. It was about a healthier choice for me, myself and my body. I think I chose a path of wellness combined with the right approach to fitness and that is what I wanted to focus on and that is what has given me the results."