Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood couple Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha have shared their first glimpse from their wedding celebrations in the capital. The two took to their Instagram accounts where they shared a loved up picture. In the image, the actor looks every inch regal as she sports a custom made outfit by designer Rahul Mishra and Ali looks dapper in an angrakha by Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla.
On Friday, Richa took to social media to share a set of two pictures from pre-wedding festivities. Alongside the images, Richa wrote, "Mohabbat Mubarak ❣️🫶🏽❣️," with the hashtag RiAli. Ali too have shared similar images on his Instagram handle with a caption in response to Richa's post. He wrote, "Tumko bhi," alongside the images featuring him and Richa striking romantic poses.
The couple earlier shared a sweet audio message for their fans and well-wishers. "Two years ago we formalised our union and just then the pandemic hit us all. Like the rest of the nation, we too were struck by personal tragedies one after the other. And now, as we all enjoy this window of respite, we are finally celebrating with our families and friends and are so very touched and grateful for all the blessings that are coming our way," the two said in the clip.