Los Angeles: Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor discussed his life and career during one of the final 'In Conversation' sessions at the Red Sea Film Festival on Wednesday. "It's part of Indian culture," Kapoor told Deadline later that evening at a party hosted by GQ. "The songs, the dances. They love the movies, especially the Asian subcontinent. So it's always great to get that love."
Talking at length, he discussed the projects in his filmography that he believes are failures, either due to poor box office numbers or conflicting artistic results. Discussing his 2022 action film 'Shamshera', he said it was "by far the hardest film I've worked on. It was a big box office disaster, but the biggest mistake I made on Shamshera was that I stuck on a beard."
He was referencing the prosthetic beard he wears during the film. Over rapturous laughter from the crowd, he continued: "When you're shooting in the heat, and you stick on a beard, it's like your face is melting." Ranbir continued to discuss his 2017 family drama 'Jagga Jasoos', which he described as "another disaster."
"It's a film that I produced. It was a passion project. It was directed by Anurag Basu. It was a very heartwarming and sweet idea, but it didn't do well, which really hurt," he said. "That's the only film in my career that hurt me." 'Shamshera' is among a slew of big budget, high-profile Bollywood titles that have struggled at the box office this past year even though Indian cinemas have been open with no Covid restrictions for almost a year.
"It's been pretty bad these last few years," he told Deadline of the situation at the Indian box office. "The entire culture of going to a theatre for a community viewing of a movie seems like it's dying, and it's only there for the big ticket films, but I hope with strong storytelling, and renewed vigour, Indian cinema comes back."