Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who recently attended the Red Sea International Film Festival, left the 'Basic Instinct' actress Sharon Stone gasping at the event after she realised that it was him who was sitting next to her all the while. The 'Pathaan' actor was recently honoured at the fest for his contributions to the Indian cinema, as his name was announced and he stood up, Sharon was in total disbelief upon noticing him. In a video which is going viral on social media, Sharon can be seen clapping and seemed to mouth "oh my god".
In response to Stone's reaction, SRK can be seen humbly greeting the actress with a 'salaam' (a gesture of greeting in Islamic culture). SRK fans have since then been going gaga over the clip. One fan wrote, "My favourite part of today's event, Sharon Stone's reaction when she realised Shah Rukh Khan is sitting next to her.. We can't blame her, can we?" Another one wrote, "Reaction of Sharon Stone is what this man @iamsrk earned from all across the world."