Hyderabad: On Ram Charan's birthday, the makers of his upcoming film #RC15 unveiled the title of the film. On Monday, Dil Raju's banner Sri Venkateswara Creations released the motion title of Ram Charan's film via social media. Film's director Shankar too took to Twitter to share the #RC15 title logo and penned a heartfelt birthday wish for Ram Charan.
Ram Charan's upcoming film which was tentatively titled RC15 is now Game Changer. Treating Ram Charan's fans on his birthday, the makers of RC15 dropped an intriguing motion title of the film. "#GAMECHANGER it is…💥💥," reads the caption as RC15 team extended birthday wishes to "Global Star Ram Charan."
Game Changer's director Shankar also took to Twitter to dedicate an adorable birthday wish for Ram Charan. Callin his leading man "worldwide charmer," Shankar also revealed the qualities of Ram Charan that according to him make him "Game Changer." Sharing birthday post for Ram Charna, the filmmaker wrote, "Happy birthday to the worldwide charmer @AlwaysRamCharan being fierce and daring on screen and a darling off screen makes you a #gamechanger ."