Hyderabad (Telangana): RRR actor Ram Charan will next be seen in South India's most popular director Shankar Shanmugham's upcoming movie. It is reported that Ram Charan will appear in a dual role in the movie, which will portray the actor in two different roles. Amidst all speculation and hype around Ram Charan's next movie after RRR, he will soon join the sets with Shankar.
The team will be heading to Amritsar, Punjab for a schedule where Ram Charan participate in the filming of an important sequence. Ram Charan will play a dual role, one of which is an officer's role, while his other role will depict him as a student. RC15 is the working title of this upcoming bilingual political drama. The story is written by Petta fame Karthik Subbaraj, while it is produced by Dil Raju and Sirish under Sri Venkateswara Creations. Kiara Advani will be seen opposite Ram Charan in the movie, while S Thaman will compose the music.