Hyderabad: On Friday afternoon, India's heavy lift rocket-LVM3 lifted off from the Sriharikota spaceport, carrying the 3,897.89 kg Chandrayaan-3 satellite. Following the successful launch of Chandrayaan 3, actors flocked to social media to applaud ISRO scientists' efforts. Bollywood actors Raveena Tandon, Sonu Sood, Anupam Kher and others took to their respective Twitter handles to wish ISRO success for Chandrayaan 3 mission.
At around 2.55 p.m., the LVM3 rocket ascended into the sky with a deep growl, breaking free from the second launch pad. After the United States, Russia, and China, India will be the fourth country in the world to land and ride on the Moon's surface if the Chandrayaan-3 mission is successful. On the historic feat, Raveen Tandon tweeted: "A proud moment for all of us ! Jai Hind! 🇮🇳 congratulations to all at @isro for a successful liftoff! Godspeed #Chandrayaan3 Har Har Mahadev!"
Similarly, Sonu Sood celebrating the scientific feat wrote: "History Created.. proud moment for every Indians #Chandrayaan3 🇮🇳." Sharing the launch video, Anupam Kher wrote: "Jai Hind." Prior to this, Mahesh Babu wishing the team best wishes wrote: "Onward to greater horizons! Thrilled to witness another momentous launch! Congratulations & all the best to the brilliant team at ISRO for the launch of #Chandrayaan3 today! Proud of you all! 👍👍"