Hyderabad: Actor Rashmika Mandanna has finally responded to Aishwarya Rajesh's 'misconstrued' remark on her role Srivalli in Pushpa: The Rise. A day after Aishwarya released a statement to clarify her meaning when she made reference to Rashmika's character, Rashmika responded by saying that she totally understood what Aishwarya meant and that there was no need for her to provide an explanation.
Aishwarya, who recently spoke about Rashmika's role in Pushpa: The Rise, emphasised that she never intended to imply that she would do better than Rashmika in the role and that all she was saying was that the role would fit her. She said in a note that her statement had been misconstrued and that she had nothing but the utmost respect for Rashmika's work.
In her statement, Aishwarya wrote, "Talking about work, I was asked in a recent interview on the kind of roles I want to do in Telugu cinema. I replied that I like the Telugu film industry a lot and that I would certainly do Telugu films if I got roles that were to my liking. To cite an example, I said I liked the character of Srivalli in Pushpa a lot as I felt such characters would suit me (sic)."