Hyderabad:Ranveer Singh on Monday inaugurated the salon of celebrity hairstylist Darshan Yewalekar. The actor was in a jovial mood and could be seen picking up some trash from the floor while also playing a prank on celebrity photographer Rohan Shrestha. Yet, some were not convinced by his gesture of picking trash and referred to it as a publicity stunt. Others said that his actor-wife Deepika Padukone, who has frequently spoken about her obsession with cleanliness, had an impact on him.
Ranveer showed up at the launch wearing a plain black T-shirt, grey denim jeans, and black shoes and had his hair tied in a ponytail. As he moved alongside a makeshift wall, he noticed a few tiny tidbits and he was seen picking them up. A paparazzo recorded it and uploaded the video on Instagram with a caption that read, "#ranveersingh ko kachra pasand nahi.." (Ranveer Singh does not like trash).