Mumbai: The makers of the upcoming action-comedy 'Cirkus' shared the first motion poster showcasing all the other characters from the film. Ranveer took to Instagram to share the motion poster that introduces the characters of his 'Cirkus family'. "Before the trailer drops next week, meet our CIRKUS family," he captioned the post.
The poster gives an insight into Ranveer's two distinct looks for his double role in the film, which also stars an ensemble cast including Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez and Varun Sharma.
Director Rohit Shetty has got all the supporting actors from his hit 'Golmaal' series to feature in prominent roles including names such as Siddhartha Jadhav, Sanjay Mishra, Mukesh Tiwari, Vrajesh Hirjee, and Ashwini Kalsekar.
The film is based on William Shakespeare's classic play 'The Comedy of Errors'. Ranveer will be seen playing a double role in the film which revolves around two sets of identical twins, who were accidentally separated at birth. (IANS)
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