Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor Ranveer Singh got emotional while accepting the Best Actor award at a recently held award gala. The actor on Saturday took to social media to share a video from the award night wherein he is seen getting teary-eyed as he still finds it hard to believe that he is living his dream.
Ranveer Singh won the Best Actor in a Lead Role (Male) award for his cricket drama 83 at the 67th Filmfare Awards in Mumbai. Ranveer gave an emotional speech while accepting the "black lady." The actor gave credit to his family for his success and also said that he is "Powered by Deepika Padukone."
"Everything that happens in my life is beyond my wildest imagination. Most of the time, I can't even believe that I am here, doing this, standing in front of you all. I am in disbelief every day that I became and actor. It's a miracle," said Ranveer in his speech.
With a lump in his throat, the actor said that whatever he is today is because of his parents and his sister. "They are my Gods. Whatever I do is for them and whatever I am today is because of them. Goddess Laxmi resides at my home). Here's the secret of my success. Ranveer Singh powered by Deepika Padukone," he said and kissed Deepika.
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Ranveer's post has warmed netizens' hearts who have flooded his comment section with kind words. But the best comment has come from his sister-in-law Anisha Padukone. The younger sister of Deepika wrote, "Who is cutting them damn onions?" followed by red heart emoji.
Meanwhile, 83 starring Ranveer as Kapil Dev did not do well at the box office but earned his much praise as an actor. Prior to Filmfare, Ranveer was given the Best Actor award for his performance in 83 at The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) 2022.