Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, who broke the internet the previous year with his wildly popular nude photoshoot for Paper magazine, has once again drawn attention for his new Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani promo. The promo shows him shirtless and allows viewers a peek into his gym workout, and an extensive closet filled with fancy clothes.
Taking to social media on Monday, Ranveer shared the new promo on his Instagram handle showcasing his Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani character Rocky Randhawa's 'Monday Motivashiun' as a treat for his fans. Sharing the promo, he wrote in the caption, "Monday Aa. Monday Motivashiun from Rocky Randhawa #RRKPK #mondaymotivation."
The video begins with Ranveer waking to NseeB's Munde Desi song. He goes to the gym and works out while flaunting his ripped physique. After many close-up shots of Ranveer's six-pack and toned body, the actor sees himself in the mirror while striking different poses. Prior to that, he appears in a shower scene and displays his luxury shoe and eyewear collection.